28 August 2013

A Bug's Life (1998)

Computer animation evolved very quickly, and aged very quickly as a result.  This is forgivable though, when presented with an enchanting story.  And A Bug's Life uses the classic mistaken identity plot to tell a charming tale.

The writers are clever in the grand problems they create for such small creatures.  The shift in scale is part of what's so interesting about the movie.  The world in which it occurs is very contained, but you don't even notice until the very end.

Something in particular that I noticed - too often, applause is used as a cheap payoff gimmick in films.  Not here.  The ovation by the characters at the end is powerful in a way that I don't recall ever seeing in a live action movie.  

Final Thought:  I do insist that, before watching any Pixar film in my collection, one must first watch the short that accompanies it in order to make the viewing experience complete.

Up Next:  The Cabin In The Woods (2012)