20 July 2009

Wandering the internet

Every so often (more and more frequently these days, if I'm honest), I get entranced by the internet. I'll visit somewhere familiar, follow a suggested link with curiosity, become fascinated by where I end up, wander further, next thing I know I'm slightly bewildered, trying to absorb ten sites at once, marveling at the myriad of things I've found.

via Katogi Mari Illustration

Add to this that I only just discovered Flickr. Not that I wasn't aware of it before, of course I was, however I put off delving into it as I'm not (yet) terribly interested in posting my own photos up there. I'd visit it when referred to it by other sites, but I wouldn't stay for long. I'm yet to determine the most efficient way to sift through the phenomenal number of photos on display, but I am, in a haphazard fashion, starting to look around it more.

via Flickr
There's so much inspiring stuff out there.


This is the time of day when my neighbourhood turns golden.


My room smells like caramel and the sun is warming my feet.

03 July 2009

Starting to glimpse...

The sun is starting to break through the clouds...