20 July 2009

Wandering the internet

Every so often (more and more frequently these days, if I'm honest), I get entranced by the internet. I'll visit somewhere familiar, follow a suggested link with curiosity, become fascinated by where I end up, wander further, next thing I know I'm slightly bewildered, trying to absorb ten sites at once, marveling at the myriad of things I've found.

via Katogi Mari Illustration

Add to this that I only just discovered Flickr. Not that I wasn't aware of it before, of course I was, however I put off delving into it as I'm not (yet) terribly interested in posting my own photos up there. I'd visit it when referred to it by other sites, but I wouldn't stay for long. I'm yet to determine the most efficient way to sift through the phenomenal number of photos on display, but I am, in a haphazard fashion, starting to look around it more.

via Flickr
There's so much inspiring stuff out there.

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