26 October 2012

Back To The Future Part II (1989) and Back To The Future Part III (1990)

I was initially going to write two separate entries for these films, but each time I went to write it, I found myself wanting to put them together in the one post.  I then kept questioning that impulse but ultimately decided that I am just going to go with it, because it's my blog and I can do what I want.

Part II:  I never saw the second half of this film growing up.  I possibly never even saw the first half.  I certainly remember the moment of the shark hologram swallowing Marty, but I think that's because they enjoyed using that moment when advertising the movie, back when the gag of that many Jaws sequels was more relevant.

I find the second half of this film the most interesting, once they head back to the 1950s and have to dance around the plot of the first movie.  The way that previously central plot moments can become peripheral when observed from the perspective of a parallel story is interesting to me.  (I'm likely to go in to that in much more depth when I get to Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead in my collection).

Part III:  And then, for me, here's where the series gets a bit weird.  Throwing them in to the Wild West was a bit of a longshot, despite the idea being planted early on.  I don't know what I would rather have seen though, I haven't given it enough thought.

Final Thought:  The Seamstress was accepting of every ludicrous plot point in these films, only to take issue with a flying train.  Because, you know, that's just ridiculous.

Up Next:  Bambi (1942)

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