03 January 2013

Beauty And The Beast (1991)

I remember there being a fuss about this movie when it was released.  The fact that computers were used to partly animate the ballroom scene was a big deal.  It seemed so strange to me at the time that a person would use a computer for animation.  I knew that making a cartoon involved several pieces of paper that you drew on and then flicked between a lot.  The idea of using a computer for that was just weird.

I went to see this film at the cinema and just loved Belle.  She was bookish, brunette and inquisitive, which I found appealing.  I also loved the music theatre nature of the soundtrack.  The opening theme is gorgeous and the songs have such entertaining lyrics ("I use antlers in all of my decorating...").

I do wonder though, how much of the furniture in the castle was just furniture?  If it was entirely furnished with the staff in their transformed state, what did they do once everyone was human again?

Final Thought:   Thinking back, "inventor" was a common profession according to 90s films...

Up Next: Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)

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