25 April 2013

Breakfast At Tiffany's (1961)

Watching Breakfast At Tiffany's makes me wish I had studied the novel at school.  I know that the film changes certain plot elements, particularly the ending, but I would be curious to pick apart the book.  The films leaves me feeling somewhat similar to how I did when I finished reading "The Catcher In The Rye", except that I loathed that book.

I bought this film because it's one of those classics that I thought I should have.  Incidentally, that's the only reason I read "The Catcher In The Rye" at all, because it's labelled a classic and I thought I should.  I guess I expected to be more moved by both.  In the case of this film though, I didn't leave with a thorough dislike of it.  (I really, REALLY don't like "The Catcher In The Rye").  I will admit though that I feel... indifferent.  Perhaps it's partly because, gorgeous as Audrey Hepburn was, she does seem a tad miscast as Holly Golightly.  The character is superficial and vague, which is hard to believe of Hepburn.  I have trouble connecting with narratives where I can't see why I should care about the characters.  I think that Breakfast At Tiffany's is a film that I need to watch repeatedly, in order to uncover Holly's substance. 

Final Thought:  Having grown up listening to Henry Mancini (as mentioned previously), I find the score to this film very familiar and comforting, so I did enjoy that.

Up Next:  The Breakfast Club (1985)

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