13 March 2014

Closer (2004)

The first time I watched this film, it left me shattered.  This is not a film to see when you've just broken up with someone.  Though, if that is the situation in which you see this film, it is cathartic through the emotional turmoil.  I don't think I knew very much about it when I first watched it, so the emotional impact it had on me was a shock.  The effect has lessened with subsequent viewings, as I know what to expect, but I still find it fascinating to watch.  
The script is stunning.  My university drama society staged the original play around the same time, and unfortunately it didn't come close to this film.  The acting is fantastic, and it's such a relief that they had the original playwright adapt it for the screen.

Final Thought:  "Natalie Portman does a pretty impressive split" is a thought that occurs to me every time I watch this.

Up Next:  Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs (2009)

01 March 2014

Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away (2012)

I think you need to approach this film as a piece of art that you watch.  This isn't a film you seek out when you want an in depth plot, or even a plot that makes sense.  The plot exists in the same way it does in an old school musical; as a means of leading from one production number to the next.  If anything, the plot is even thinner than those of musicals.

That isn't necessarily a criticism.  If you watch this film with that in mind, you won't feel that you've missed out on anything.  And sometimes I need movies like that.  A pure, escapist, visual treat.  Certainly, if the focus had been the plot, something very interesting could have been created.  And I'm sure I would have loved to see it.  But the point of this movie is that it's a showcase of Cirque du Soleil acts from their Las Vegas shows.  And I'm fine with that, when that's what I'm in the mood to see.  And tonight, I was.

Final Thought:  I'm jealous of her umbrella boat.

Up Next:  Closer (2004)