06 May 2009


When I first moved out of home, my new house had a large backyard with a shed. This backyard was a favourite haunt for many of the neighbourhood cats, a discovery I made soon after moving in which delighted me to no end. One cat in particular would lounge on the shed roof pretty much every day, as it was a prime position for soaking up the sun.

He was incredibly friendly, and rather talkative. I took to greeting him whenever I saw him. He was also very enthusiastic when it came to posing for photos.

That cat is one of the things I miss the most about that house.

Another attraction for the neighbourhood cats was the old couch that was in the backyard when I first moved in. Prolonged exposure to the elements turned that couch into something quite disgusting and liable to take on a life of its own, so it was eventually sent off to the dump. After that, our feline patronage declined and I suspect they were protesting the couch's removal.

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