21 June 2012

The Abyss (1989) (Special Edition)

I think I was in my early teens when I saw this film for the first time.   It played on television a lot in my teens, so I'd see a bit here and there, and after a while I made a point of watching the whole thing.  Plus, I was oddly very keen on the Terminator films, which will come up later.

This is not a film to start watching after 10 o'clock at night, particularly if you plan to watch the special edition (which has an extra half hour of footage and makes more sense).  I started watching this two nights ago, but realised there was no way I was going to stay awake for it, so I gave up and started again tonight.  It is a very long film, the kind that James Cameron is partial to making.  But it holds your attention.  I'd forgotten how arresting some moments were. 
I'd also forgotten that one of the characters has a pet rat, who happens to have a pivotal role.  (This is interesting to me as a rat owner myself these days.  You rarely see them featured as pets in movies).

I really quite enjoy James Cameron's movies, especially those from the 80s and 90s.  I think I like his style - I find that he blends action, suspense and humour in the right proportions for my tastes.  Little touches, like having one of those stuffed Garfield toys with the suckers on its paws stuck on a window in the rig (remember those?!), or having a fake pot plant on the rig because of course a real one wouldn't survive underwater... Those little touches show a thoughtfulness in the filmmaking that I appreciate.

This film does have an inaccuracy in it that I see in a lot of films and it really bugs me.  Whenever someone is giving CPR in movies or on TV, they never tip the victim's head back properly so that they can receive air effectively.  Why do they always get this wrong??  Is it on purpose?  I've read somewhere that they always do CPR with bent elbows, instead of straight as you're meant to, on film because there would be too much risk of cracking an actor's rib if they got too enthusiastic about it.  Is there some similar convention for the breathing side?  I can't explain how much this irritates me.  Well, I could, but it would be lengthy.

Final Thought:  No one says "son of a bitch" like Ed Harris.  He really makes the most of the "bitch".

Up Next:  The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

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