23 August 2012

Anchorman (2004)

There's a chance that the first time I saw this movie, I was sober, so I didn't quite get why it was "kind of a big deal".  It was quickly forgotten.

The second time I saw this movie, I was drunk with my two lovely housemates of the time (The Sasquatch and The Bunny), and it became The. Funniest. Movie. Ever.
For the rest of our six month rental agreement, we probably watched this movie once a fortnight.  With wine.  It most likely began as a way of cheering someone up after a bad day, but before long, any excuse would do, and then it just became habit.  And quite honestly, any day that we didn't watch it would still be filled with quotes from this incredibly quotable film.

Not having learned from my mistake, the first time I made The Bassist watch it, he was sober.  He didn't think it was terribly funny.  He did, however, appreciate the out of the blue, surprisingly well harmonised, a cappella rendition of "Afternoon Delight"
So, several months later, I got him drunk and made him watch it again.  Success.

I have to make a note of how great Christina Applegate's comic timing is.  Across anything I see her in, I really appreciate it.  It seems a weird thing to make a point about, which I guess indicates to me that there's a lot of comedians out there whose timing just doesn't work for me.  Too many comedians seem to resort to "LOUD NOISES" and think that equates to funny.  Not if your timing isn't right.

I also admire performers who can hold a deadpan face.  Steve Carell is the king*.  I cannot keep a deadpan face if my life were to to depend on it.  I have been challenged often, and I fail every time.  Every goddamn time.

Final Thought: When The Bassist realised that I was up to watching this film for my writings here, he asked "Does this mean we need to get drunk again?"
I have the flu, so we did not.

Up Next:  Any Questions For Ben?  (2012)

*This is a title I afford to him within the current crop of comedians.  Out of all time though, seriously, Leslie Nielsen.  How did he do it??  The man's face was made of stone! 

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