05 September 2013

Can't Hardly Wait (1998)

Can't Hardly Wait was a staple of my high school movie nights.  I can remember watching it for the first time at a sleepover, never having heard of it before.  My friends and I spent the following two years quoting it to each other at every opportunity, and playing the soundtrack at any party we hosted.  We bonded over this movie more than many other things in the time we were in high school.

More than a decade later, this film is still just as fresh in my mind.

The thing is, I'm not quite sure how to explain why this film in particular rose above all the similarly themed movies of my teenage years.  Perhaps it's that the characters are almost caricatures of the stereotypes they represent.  Almost.  They toe that line, so they still seem like real people, which means that the film doesn't get unbearable.

In my opinion, this was the best high school party movie of the 90s crop, and frankly, I've yet to see a movie made since that can stand up to it.

Final Thought:  I HAVE NO LEGS!!!

Up NextCaptain America: The First Avenger (2011)   

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