08 September 2013

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

 Captain America: The First Avenger is fine.  It's not fantastic, it's not awful, it's fine.

Chris Evans is actually perfect for the role, from what I can tell (not having read the comics).  I would love to see him pushed in more challenging roles than those he's done so far.  And Hugo Weaving is surprisingly restrained playing such a ridiculous character, which is good I guess, because it would be easy to take it too far.

There seems to be an element missing to connect the montages and action sequences to the emotion of the story.  So it's a bit disjointed to me.  I actually prefer the origin part of the tale rather than once the action kicks in to gear, which is not the norm for this type of film.

Final Thought:  Skinny, short Chris Evans?  CGI is freaky.

Up Next:  Casablanca (1942)

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